So the time has come, the time of which many companies are afraid and at the same time are waiting. Time for corporate events in nature. Joint recreation of company employees is a great way to unite the team, increase the level of motivation and even give impetus to new ideas. But, at the same time, a summer corporate event is a lot of pitfalls, so our event agency for organizing and holding events in Kharkov decided to share ideas on this topic with you. In the article you will find information on how to make sure that corporate outdoor recreation takes place at the maximum level of positive emotions and everyone gets exactly the result they want.
What is the difference between a corporate summer event and a winter holiday?
The most banal answer that comes to mind is the season. This is certainly true, but this is not the only point. When ordering a summer corporate party in Kharkiv, they should understand that the site is of fundamental importance here.
It is very important to consider where the summer corporate holiday will be held. The theme, format and features of the event depend on this. In winter, all corporate events, for the most part, are tied to the main winter holiday - the New Year and, in principle, any venue can be adapted for celebration, simply by decorating it with themed decor. In the summer, there is no set theme, and this opens up space for imagination, but at the same time it becomes the cause of many questions.
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The main one is: how to choose the right place for a corporate holiday? Start from the following indicators:
- Budget. You always want to be beautiful, expensive and on a grand scale. But first of all, determine for yourself how much you are willing to spend on the site and on the corporate party as a whole. Having narrowed down the range of choices, proceed to the following points.
- Roominess. There are big companies, and there are not so many. Likewise, there are locations designed for many people and a small number of visitors. It is optimal to choose such a place so that all guests feel free, but there is no feeling of emptiness.
- Format. This is a difficult task, but the whole further organization of a corporate event in the summer depends on it. Will your event be active or not?
Depending on this, it is worth choosing a venue so that it has an emphasis on the area for the feast or on the interactive areas and places for the games. - Availability. If you are ready to pay for the transfer of employees to the place of rest, this item will not be important for you, but if this category of expenses was not included in your plans, then think about how the company's employees will get to the place of the flying corporate party. Perhaps for some, this will become a determining factor in deciding whether to go or not.
There are many more factors that will help you choose the site for your summer holiday, but we'll talk about some of them later. If you still have questions, you can consult our managers for free, for whom organizing and holding a summer corporate party in Kharkiv is part of their daily work.
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8 ideas from PRO100 Event Agency how to organize a summer party
If you have already decided on the site, then it's time to think about what to fill your corporate trip with? We have prepared for you a selection of ideas on what a corporate event can be in the summer.
- Picnic. This is the most budgetary and simplest option for a corporate party outdoors. You will have to book a couple of gazebos, purchase food and disposable tableware. This has its own romance. The advantage of a picnic is the price of a corporate party. You will save a lot. But if you have a big company with a name in the market, this kind of vacation may not be to the liking of employees. In addition, from entertainment, besides food and alcohol, a picnic does not imply any special options.
- Art party. This is the format of a holiday in the summer for creative teams. You can invite several masters who will give master classes for your employees in singing, painting or dancing, and all this can end with some kind of performance-festival, where everyone will show their results. This format helps to reveal new unexpected talents of your colleagues.
- Summer concert. Stage, open area, light breeze, smell of sparkling and light snacks in the air. This format is something new and interesting in the field of corporate events. Your employees will be able to arrange a promenade in evening dress on a summer evening. Well, or things may not be so sophisticated, and you put on a rock concert. Depends on the preferences of your employees. You can invite. Both local performers and order a star for a holiday. It all depends on your desires.
- Sports and fitness format. Suitable for young and active companies. If the average age of your employees is under 35, feel free to try to introduce sports and active games into your corporate party in the summer. Team games and sporting events are always supportive and stress-relieving.
- Master classes. If you have a very heterogeneous company structure, you can organize a summer corporate event as a master class fair. From origami and mihendi to shooting lessons and chemical experiments. Here everyone will find something to their liking.
- Paintball or laser tag. Games that are in themselves - consider a whole corporate party. Play department against department, branch against branch, or women against men and see who is more dexterous. Agree, it's cool ?! Just remember about safety rules and that this type of rest assumes the absence of alcohol.
- Quest. Experts can develop a thematic quest about the company in just a week. A quest is also different tasks: both logical and dexterous, it is both team competition and the spirit of adventurism. If you've tried it, it's worth it.
- Theme party. In fact, this type of corporate party can be suitable out of season. In the summer, it will be distinguished only by the playground, because we still strongly recommend choosing open locations for corporate summer vacations.
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If you want your corporate holiday to pass without troubles, it is better to contact the specialists. Also, you can take some of the issues into your own hands, this will help reduce the cost of organizing a corporate party.
The one who rests well works well!
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