Service contract No. _________

m. Kharkiv "______". 

Event-Agency TOV "PROSTOIVENT", which is referred to as "Vikonavets", in the person of the director Fedchenko Sergiy Viktorovich, on the one hand, and ___________________, named as "Zamovnik", in the person of the director ____________________ on the other side, collectively referred to as "Parties", referred to as "Parties", Agreement about this:

  1. Subject of the contract

1.1. According to this Agreement, Vikonavets’ request to pay tribute to the Zamovnik to give services to the organization of cultural and mass entry (further - Zahid), and the Zamovnik of goiters is obliged to pay taxes for this Agreement of service in full agreement with Addendum No. 1 to this Agreement , as well as zgіdno іz sladimіmі і podpisannym pіdpisannymi vіdpisannymi and / bodopnennenіy і / аbo changes to thіs Agreement, for the presence of such), є yogo іnіdієmnoy part.

1.2. The name, the hour on the cob, the date and the place of the Sunset are designated by Addendum No. 1 to this Agreement.

1.3. Tsey agreement is publicly visible to Art. Art. 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, that mind is the same for all Deputies.

  1. Varity of services and order of rozrakhunkiv

2.1. The Parties agreed on the number of services, which will be discussed by the Parties in Addendum No. 1 to this Agreement.

2.2. Payment procedure

2.2.1. Zamovnik pays an advance payment (advance payment) at the 30% (thirty) amount of services, assigned to Addendum No. 1 no later than 3 (three) calendar days before the date of the Sunset;

2.2.2. Zamovnik zdіysnyuє residual razrahunok at the day of Sunset (until the ear of Sunset). If Zahid falls on a holy day or a weekend, then payment is due on the 1st (first) working day.

2.3. When paying the advance payment, the Zamovnik confirms that it will be better with yoga minds.

2.4. The fundraiser is carried out in the currency of Ukraine.

2.5. At the time of change of service rank, the contract between changes and/or additions to this Agreement shall be carried out by the Parties for a change, about which an additional Addendum is formed.

  1. Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1. At the borders of the Treaty of Vikonovets goiter, it is necessary to add the following:

3.1.1. Give services as a matter of course and in the lines of the zgіdno іz cim Agreement і Addendum No. 1 to the th Agreement, as well as zgіdno іz warehousing and signing with the consent and / or additions and / or changes to the cim Agreement, for the presence of such.

3.1.2. Submit the result of the photographer's work for 2 (two) months after Sunset, the result of the videographer's work - for 2 (two) months after Sunset. (Look how the photographer and videographer worked at the Sunset from the Pro100event event agency).

3.2. At the borders of the Treaty, the Zamovnik goiter speaks:

3.2.1. Advise verbally and in writing (in addition to giving layouts, specific instructions and other necessary information) Vikonavtsya z nutrition, pov'yazanih yogo goiters' yazan for this Agreement, with the method of achieving the best value Sunset;

3.2.2. At the same time, weep for the services that the Vikonavtsy rely on, at the remembrance and order transferred to this Agreement and Addendum No. 1 to this Agreement.

3.3. The Vikonavets have the right to:

3.3.1. For the purpose of signing your crops for this Agreement and Addendum No. 1 to this Agreement, as well as for storage and signing and / or additions and / or changes to this Agreement, for the existence of such, lay down other Agreements with third persons. At this point, the Vikonovets carried a vіdpovіdalnіst before the Zamovnik for the right (not the right) signing of the Treaty by third persons.

3.3.2. Hand over that (or) hand over the vikonnannya of your goiter to third persons.

3.4. At the boundary of the Treaty, the Deputy has the right:

3.4.1. Change the place of the Sunset, notifying in writing about those Vikonavtsya no later than 14 (fourteen) banking days before the day of the Sunset. If so, the Zamovnik understands that such changes may cause a change in the number of employees under the Agreement for an increase in the amount of money spent on the transfer of artists, creative and/or other teams, technical and/or service personnel, technicians, etc.

3.4.2. Change the hour of the Sunset on the cob, the validity of the Sunset, designated in Addendum No. 1 to this Agreement, in writing about those Vikonavtsya no later than 7 (sim) banking days before the date of the Sunset, for the sake of Vikonavtsya. If so, the Zamovnik understands that such changes can cause a change in the number of services for the contract with the bіk zbіlshennya, a change in the bіk zmіnu warehouse of artists, creative and/or other teams, technical and service personnel.

3.5. The parties take to respect that Koshtoris, Technical Director and Technical and Organizational Wimogi obov'yazkovі to vikonannya, as if otherwise not transferred to please and / or additions and / or changes to this Agreement.

 3.6. Services designated in clause 1.1. of which Agreement, we rely on Vikonavets on the 27th of March 2019

3.7. The parties may have the right to change the terms of service assignments specified in clause 3.6. th Treaty, by way of laying down the supplementary land to the th Treaty.

  1. Vidpovіdnіst sides

 4.1. The Parties shall be liable for vikonannya their goiter, transferring them to the Agreement.

4.2. When the Vice-Chairman is instructed under the Contract (the service of the Vikonavtsy), the Zamovnik pays the Vikonavtsy for all the expenses actually incurred. An overpayment (advance payment) has been made.

4.2.1. The advance payment does not turn around at the entrance, if Vikonavets maw vitrate on the organization of the call, at the rozmіrі tsikh vitrat.

4.3. When Vikonavtsya agrees to the Agreement, for the reason of making an advance payment by the Deputy, Vikonavets turns the Zamovnikovs earlier withholding in the amount of a penny for this Agreement, okrіm vipadkіv vіdmovi vіd to the Agreement for the initiative of the Vikonavs, the Agreement is stopped by the Deputy of the Deputy (the Deputy).

4.4. At the time of the stitching of the stitching of the goiter, you must pay the services Vikonavets may have the right to demand that the Zamovnik pay a fine for the settlement of the 10 (ten) bills of the sum of the fencing in the order transferred to the division of the 2nd Contract, for the leather day of the stitching, the payment will be made until the moment.

4.4.1. The payment of the penalty does not allow the Party to see their own binding in kind, and it does not allow their right to produce fines, the heads of non-victors or non-independent vicons, goiter.

4.4.2. The payment of the penalty fee is not subject to the return of the advance payment to the Zamovnik.

4.5. At the sight of Zakhod, blame Vikonavtsya, the wine party vіdshkodovuє all documented confirmation of vitrati, as if acknowledging Zamovnik at the link with the organization of Zakhod.

4.6. At the sight of Sunset, blame the Zamovnik, the side of the goiter is guilty of vikonating its own goiter for this Agreement with the full obligation.

4.7. The sides take it to the point of respect, as far as the situation, if it is impossible to carry out the Zakhid (seeing the Zakhod), such vipadias can be seen:

1) owen or chastkov vіdmova Vikonavtsya vіd their goiter less than 30 (thirty) calendar days before;

3) the full or partial day at the place of the settlement of the Sunset, designated in Addendum No. 1 to the first Contract, at the time of the first day of the Sunset, for understanding, that the availability of the first day of the Sunset is fixed for the full performance of the Sunset;

4) daytime at the place of the Entry and at the time of the beginning of the Entry of the authorized personnel;

5) power supply throughout the day spent on Sunset;

6) allowance for access to Vikonavtsev and yogo spivrobitniks at the time of the Sunset less than 5 (five) years before the Sunset on the cob;

7) outside or partly non-competition of the Technical Directorate and / or Technical and Organizational Powers, for your mind, what is the non-conformity of the Technical Directorate and / or Technical and Organizational Powers without interruption to the full execution of the Sunset.

4.8. Vikonavets do not bear the promise:

4.8.1. for rescheduling that / or seeing that / or rescheduling that / or telling Zakhod to blame the Zamovnik;

4.8.2. for shkoda, caused to someone from the participants of Zakhod, peeps, Zamovnikovs and/or yogo representatives, service personnel, artists and/or their lane, for a blame of vipadkiv caused by shkodi without a middle Vikonavtsy;

4.8.3. for knowing the artistic territory of third parties;

4.8.4.for the duties of the Deputy and/or his/her representatives;

4.8.5. for children of peeps;

4.8.6. for undertaking Zamovnik and/or yoga representatives, they were able to use safety equipment.

4.9. The deputy manager did not carry the following evidence:

4.9.1. for dії Vikonavtsya and/or yogo representatives;

4.9.2. for shkoda, caused to someone from the participants of Sunset, peeps, Vikonavtsev and/or yogo representatives, service personnel, artists and/or their lane, for a blame of vipadkiv caused by shkodi bezpomedny Zamovnik.

4.10. The side that caused the mischief to the other side, including the one and the other side, was in total confusion.

  1. Safety equipment*

 5.1. Zaboronyaetsya znahoditsya on the artistic territory, be it to persons behind the blame of artists, participants, organizers, administrators, technical personnel of Sunset, representatives of emergency services and security services.

5.2. Zaboronyaєtsya znakhoditsya near the place of high voltage, be it for the blame of the technical staff.

5.3. It is difficult to get up to the roses, to establish the status of any person for the blame of the technical staff.

5.4. Defended by stepping on lucky darts and other communications.

5.5. Fires are littered, fire is built near the station and stage.

5.6. It’s hard to get to the point of technology, technical adjustment and other speeches, like artists, participants, organizers, administrators, technical staff of Zakhod.

5.7. All those who are on the artistic territory of the goiter need to take care of the rules, and also help the technical staff, who need food safety.

  1. Force Majeure

 6.1. The parties are called in the event of a breach of duty for non-compliance, or an improper breach of their goiter, according to the Agreement, as well as a non-compliance, or a non-compliance with a breach, has become a legacy of a situation of non-exhaustive force, that is superb and non-combat gate for the purpose of setting up a contract. To lie down to such conditions: fire, povin, earthquake, hurricane, hail, settling on the ground.

Other phenomena of nature, epidemics, vibuhi, voiced or factual war, hromadaansky zavorushennya, strikes, accidents, decisions, or decisions of bodies of legislators or vikonavchos vlady for the mind, scho tsі place the agreement on an impromptu basis.

6.2. The Party, which is not able to vikonati its agreements on goiter, informs the other Party about the cob and the appointment of the larger furnishing for a period of 3 (three) working days from the moment of its present.

6.3. Untimely notification about the situation of non-separating force will allow the Party to have the right to a contract in the event of a violation of the law for a certain amount of non-contractual goiter due to the designation of the situation.

  1. Cherry superechok

 All disputes and razbіzhnostі, scho blamed for the hour of vikonannya, change and attachment to the Agreement, the Parties will be forced to violating the way of negotiations.

  1. Confidentiality

 8.1. The parties do not have the right to speak out to third persons legal, financial and other information that one hopes to be bound by the contraction and viconnance of this Agreement, as if extending the term of the third rank, so in further 3 (three) fates from the moment of causation behind the blame of the voicing of yoga minds on the lawful and primed vimogi of the supreme state authority and the letter of the Party of order and the vipadka, peredbachenih chinny legislation of Ukraine.

8.2. The deputy will not disclose confidential information, otrimana Vikonavtsya, other persons and not vikoristovuvatimu tsyu іnformatsiyu for their own benefit, for the sake of the name, designated by the Parties in paragraph 1 of the Agreement. The deputy will reach such a high level of mystery with the method of unique speech or voiced information, as well as the same high degree of confidentiality.

8.3. Yakshcho INSHE NOT INTENTED INTENDED IN THE PROSOLOSE OF THE STORIN, ONE CONNECIENTS IT ISIMUNAI Zamovnik I viconavian one pіd one hour Viconnya Vikonni Treaty Tikhi, Yaki without a section of the village of Plane -Khi) .

8.4. All the information given by the Zamovnikovs in any form, zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno zgіdno z zgіdno z zgіdno z zgіdno z zgіdno z zgіdno z zgіdno z zgіdno z zgіdno z zgіdno z іnformatsіya given by Zamovnikovі in а form ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа"

8.5. The deputy bears the responsibility for the mind, or the careless disclosure of confidential information.

8.6. At the time of the cause of the congestion on the other hand, the result of the disclosure of confidential information is different.

  1. Term dії і order of expansion of the contract

 9.1. This Agreement is gaining rank from the moment of signing it by the representatives of both Parties and ranks until the full signing by the Parties of their goiter for this Agreement.

9.2. At the time of the opening of the Agreement at the initiative of one of the Parties to the Agreement, the other Party shall be notified in writing by the Party - the initiator of the opening of the Agreement not less than 10 (ten) working days in advance.

9.3. At the time of opening the contract with the initiative of the Zamovnik, the advance payment is not reversed.

9.4. The termination of the term of chivalry of the Contract is not subject to the Parties' liability for damage. 

  1. Principal regulations

 10.1. When the minds of the Agreement are clouded, the Parties shall take to respect the literal meaning of the words and viraziv, which are to be lost in the new. Literally, the meaning of the mind of the Treaty in the light of ambiguity is established by the way of the establishment of the smaller minds and the light of the Treaty as a whole.

10.2. Tsey Dogovir of warehouses at 2 (two) accomplices of the Ukrainian language. Having offended the conciliators are identical and may have the same legal force. The skin of the Parties has one example of this Agreement. The following is added to the Agreement: Addendum No. 1 (Koshtoris).

10.3. Changes, additions and extensions to the Agreement can be done by the Parties, as otherwise not transferred by the legislation of Ukraine and this Agreement.

10.4. All additions, changes, please and addenda to this Agreement may be legally valid and є yogo invisible part, for the understanding of their signing by the Parties in a proper rank.


Details and signatures of the Party:


Partnership with obzhezhenoyu vіdpovidalnіstyu "PROSTOІVENT"
Jur. Addresses: 61068, m. Kharkiv, st. Ak. Pavlova, 44 B
Actual address: m. Kharkiv, st.Ak.Pavlova, 44B 
SEC "French Boulevard" 4 top
r/r 26009660025500 in JSC "UkrSibbank"
MFO 351005
EDRPU 41347323
tel. (063) 333-35-93
Director Sergiy Fedchenko