Service contract No. _________
m. Kharkiv "______".
Event-Agency TOV "PROSTOIVENT", which is referred to as "Vikonavets", in the person of the director Fedchenko Sergiy Viktorovich, on the one hand, and ___________________, named as "Zamovnik", in the person of the director ____________________ on the other side, collectively referred to as "Parties", referred to as "Parties", Agreement about this:
- Subject of the contract
1.1. According to this Agreement, Vikonavets’ request to pay tribute to the Zamovnik to give services to the organization of cultural and mass entry (further - Zahid), and the Zamovnik of goiters is obliged to pay taxes for this Agreement of service in full agreement with Addendum No. 1 to this Agreement , as well as zgіdno іz sladimіmі і podpisannym pіdpisannymi vіdpisannymi and / bodopnennenіy і / аbo changes to thіs Agreement, for the presence of such), є yogo іnіdієmnoy part.
1.2. The name, the hour on the cob, the date and the place of the Sunset are designated by Addendum No. 1 to this Agreement.
1.3. Tsey agreement is publicly visible to Art. Art. 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, that mind is the same for all Deputies.