Any event - corporate, for example, and even a wedding you can have several times. With prom night, things are a little different. Whatever one may say, but graduating from school twice will hardly work. That is why, it is important to approach the issue of graduation with full responsibility. Preparations often begin in September.
If the children have a responsible and experienced teacher, they will take care of the organization in advance. It is best to turn to experienced professionals. But in most cases organization of graduation falls on the shoulders of the parents. And, of course, the most initiative graduates.
1. Which is better: an agency or on your own?
At a parent meeting, the first task is to decide who will do the graduation?
There are few options here: either ourselves, or we go to the organizers. Most of the schools are trying to save money and the parent troika is engaged in everything. This option is not bad. Especially considering that parents are sensible about the budgets of the holiday. And besides, who else if not they know their children best?
But, as practice shows, if you are doing something for the first time, it is difficult to take into account all the little things. Experienced coordinators and organizers have a contractor base. They know what the scenario will be like. They are guided by how much the equipment rental for the graduation party will cost. All this knowledge helps to create a high-quality event.
If you nevertheless decide that the organization of the graduation ceremony is the work of the graduating parents, then the next part of the article is for you.
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2. What's important not to forget: organizing a prom from A to Z
It is not every day that people who are not related to the event industry do events. Especially - high school graduation... Such an evening is a large-scale and multi-stage event. Therefore, I would like to share my experience with you and make the preparation for release more enjoyable. Where to begin?
2.1 Who is on the lists?
Pupils and parents aren't the only people at graduation. It is worth remembering that there are favorite subject teachers, class teachers, administration and guests of honor. All of these people are worth considering when making your lists. And the expenses will be distributed among the graduates.
Unfortunately, the guest list is a fickle thing. It changes to the last. Therefore, it is better to lay a little more than to solve it in an emergency mode later.
2.2 Choosing a location
One of the fundamental questions is where to mark? Most of them hold the ceremonial part in the school building. For a banquet - move to a restaurant. There are those who adhere to the position: "The restaurant is located." And they stay at school and at the banquet. There are pluses, minuses and organizational features, which we will talk about later.
Also, as an option, you can choose a recreation center or a suburban complex. Instead of one evening, organize a holiday weekend - why not? Now there are even classes that go on a trip abroad together. If finances allow you to do it, this way celebrate graduation also has a place to be. At least it will definitely be remembered.
2.3 Photo zone
Emotions are important. But for some, high-quality photos are even more important than emotions. Therefore, one of the very important elements of the graduation ceremony is the photo zone. This is the place where you can take a beautiful photo with a teacher, girlfriends, parents. Well, or just show yourself beautiful or beautiful in the frame.
Modern decorators and designers can create anything to your request. Banner with school number, year of graduation, personal hashtag and anything else. To add pomp and solemnity, you can order balloons.
If your budget doesn't include a photo area, you can decorate one of the walls. It doesn't look so luxurious and luxurious. But clearly better than nothing. And, of course, don't forget the photographer and videographer. Nobody wants to take pictures of all their girlfriends at their prom.
2.4 Leading to the prom
The very person who will create the atmosphere all evening. The host is an integral part of both the official part and the banquet. For the official part, in most cases, someone experienced from the teaching staff is invited. Someone who "ate the dog" at prom.
The unofficial part goes into the hands of a professional presenter. Often the idea of graduation comes from him, its theme. The presenters select contests and entertainment depending on the characteristics of the class. If you want to save money, then your choice is the same member of the teaching staff.
What is the disadvantage of such a choice? Procrastination and hitching can occur. Contests and entertainment are not always suitable for the youth audience. Well, and the gloss of a professional evening will not be. At the same time, the invited person does not know the graduates as the school teacher does. There is a double-edged sword.
2.5 DJ at the prom
Without this person, "there will be no kin." Nobody can sit at the tables for a long time. Everyone will want to dance. And if the disco is boring and sluggish, then most likely the mood will deteriorate. Therefore, pay attention to the choice DJ at the prom.
If you invite a presenter from the outside, then most likely he has a partner DJ. He accompanies all competitions and the host's comments. Also - runs a disco. Such cooperation is very often established without words. And this helps to make the holiday dynamic.
To make the disco a success, give the DJ a playlist. In advance. If this is not done, then he may simply not guess the owls of the graduates. Sometimes 10-15 tracks are enough just to set a reference point. Further - he independently selects the musical accompaniment.
2.6 Bouquets for teachers
Of course, no graduation ceremony is complete without words of gratitude. Often these words are supported by gifts for the school and bouquets. In order that you "do not have a headache" for flowers at the last moment - agree in advance. By the way, this way you can save some of the money. Some florist companies offer early booking discounts.
2.7 Security
Be concerned about safety. Graduates are unpredictable people. Someone offended someone, someone said something wrong to someone. And then the graduates of past years came to congratulate everyone "out of topic". These questions can easily be solved by a couple of security guards. Everyone remains in their places and in a good mood. This is not the most expensive pleasure, but very often it helps out when holding events for more than 30-40 people.
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3. What is important if all graduation is at school?
It is not a bad idea to spend this day at the school building. Especially considering the fact that not everyone will come to the meetings. However, there are a number of features to keep in mind. For instance:
- Banquet menu. In the restaurant, you simply choose your food. In this case, you will have to think about delivering food to school and serving it.
- Chairs and tables for rent. School assembly halls are far from always intended for large-scale celebrations. If you want it to be beautiful, you need to rent chairs and tables.
- Decor. Just like with chairs in school halls, it is not always incredibly beautiful. Therefore, decor is needed. Perhaps even more than a restaurant. And more in this case means more expensive.
- Lighting equipment. School is not a club. And you can't argue with that. In any case, for a disco to be a disco, you need specific lighting. Think about this in advance.
How to do it better: go to a restaurant or stay at school? It really depends on the wishes of the children. But organize a graduation party in the school assignment is a little more energy intensive.

4. Photo and video filming at the event
There are categories of expenses that cannot be avoided. A good photographer and videographer are precisely these categories. As we said at the beginning - the prom is not repeated. So, you need to remember everything the first time.
When choosing a photographer and videographer for an event, pay attention to:
- Rates
- Portfolio
- Testimonials
- The manner of communication with the customer
It is good if a person has examples of work from a similar event. It means that he already knows how it works. And it will not be superfluous to listen to the reviews of other graduate clients. This will make it possible to understand what you will get approximately as a result.
Discuss with the photographer and videographer the number of hours of work, the materials that you will receive as a result. Since the release is a large-scale event, it is better to take 2 cameramen and 2 photographers. So you can get the most complete and dynamic history of the entire event. It is important that they know the timing of the evening and be guided by the location.
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5. Do you need special effects?
A confetti cannon, a smoke machine or a soap bubble machine - everything that will make any celebration more colorful. However, any equipment requires skill and handling skills. As a result, you need a person who will connect all this. That is, the rental of equipment and machinery should be added to the additional costs.
And, of course, if the budget allows - fireworks. In principle, any adult man can cope with the usual fireworks installations. If you want a spectacular salvo fireworks, you will have to contact the specialists.
Whether you need special effects or not, it's up to you. But if your budget allows decorate the prom - this will create an atmosphere and make the picture more colorful. As a more budgetary option, you can order helium LED balloons. Not a fireworks, but also spectacular and cute.
6. Do you need a cake for graduation?
Cake is a classic ending to the holiday. Is he needed in this case? The issue is controversial. Many people give up the cake in favor of other sweets. It is cheaper to buy eclairs, cupcakes or other dessert of your choice. And it's not a fact that someone will eat cake at the end of the evening. Graduates usually walk until dawn. In fact, this is the finale of the holiday. That is, prom cake is an element that can be easily overlooked.
If you decide that you just need it, you can use a multi-tiered cake with false cakes. It will look spectacular, but it will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. In the past, cakes were often made in the form of a book and a bell. It seems to us that this design is outdated. But as an idea for a graduation, there is still a place to be. The choice is yours.
7. How to have a good time?
The key feature of any holiday is its program. In order for no one to get bored, together with the presenter, it is worth considering contests specifically for your audience. It will not be superfluous to prepare speeches, possibly in a humorous manner. By the way, there are such congratulations from parents - in life you will never guess that these are not professionals speaking.
You can invite show ballet or vocalists. A magician or artists of the original genre will brighten up the evening well. It all depends on your budget.
It should also be borne in mind that graduation usually lasts until the morning. If you want everyone to feel good, watch out for food and alcohol takeout. Everything should be gradual and in moderation. Then everyone will have fun and everyone will feel good.
8. Untouchable stock
Probably, this point confused you a little. BUT a huge request to pay special attention to it. In order to organize a graduation party without unpleasant consequences, you must consider some points. There will be a fight of dishes, perhaps someone will break something. Or you will have to renew the DJ or presenter. The photographer may need a surcharge.
And then he appears - an untouchable reserve. These are the funds that you save "just in case." If it doesn't come in handy, good. This money can be returned. But if difficulties and questions arise, they can be solved more easily and without headaches.
Based on experience, somewhere 50% always diverge.
As you can see organization of prom - the process is laborious. There are many details that can be easily overlooked. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, entrust this occupation to professionals. Then everything will pass at the highest level. And parents and teachers can avoid many troubles. If you organize this evening on your own, we hope our article will be useful to you.
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