Depending on whether the event is a day or evening event, the exact number of guests is known or not, whether the mass event is aimed at children or adults only, whether it will be held indoors or outdoors, what types of catering are appropriate for it. The variety of solutions is practically unlimited, and you can choose what kind of Pro100 Event catering you need - from organizing a sweet table for children to holding a cocktail for an elegant adult audience.
Catering at Mass Events for Adults and Children
Types of mass events and offsite catering (Kharkiv)
Thinking about what catering at mass events is, you will inevitably have to think about what exactly are mass events themselves? Because an extensive interpretation of the definition gives rise to reflections in quite practical aspects. On the one hand, any event can already be called a mass event if there are at least more than three people present. On the other hand, according to the unspoken and unwritten interpretation that event organizers face, a mass event is an event where there is no limited list of guests. These include street events, events without invitations, events with the possibility of attending them by someone other than those invited in advance, etc. Catering and catering at such events must solve the difficult task of how to treat everyone and at the same time do it beautifully, in an organized way, without queues for food and hustle.
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Catering services for mass events in the premises
Indoor catering in Kharkiv may be appropriate at the opening of art exhibitions and biennials, creative festivals and competitions, fairs, product and company presentations, etc.
A fairly common solution is to order a coffee break or other catering services for these types of events. Visitors will be offered a hot drink and, for example, cookies or other sweets. The advantage of this solution is that without excessive costs it is possible to prepare products for a large number of servings, and this is an option for events with an unpredictable number of guests.
Catering service for an evening, solemn mass event is the serving of trays with glasses of champagne by waiters. This is done at presentations, theatrical premieres, film premieres, etc.
VIP catering (Kharkiv) is the work of waiters, chefs and bartenders with elements of a culinary show: high-level professionals arrange spectacular preparation of unusual dishes or cocktails in front of the public.
Sometimes you need a specific service - for example, if the event should be a tasting of different varieties of one product, or folk cuisine, or some other specific food. But even this can be solved thanks to an individual approach to catering!
And for more standard events, you can always order a banquet catering in Kharkov.
Why is it worth ordering catering for an outdoor event?
A treat, even a small one, always makes those who come to the event very happy. To calculate the justified cost of catering, you need to decide what is the best way to treat visitors and how many servings you expect.
For example, at sports events in a stadium, sports complex, or other outdoor location, participants and spectators should be offered, at a minimum, cool soft drinks and water. Catering services will consist of refilling glasses and making sure drinks reach those who wish.
By ordering catering in Kharkiv for a festival or a holiday in an open area, you can solve the problem of serving chilled drinks and “street food”. Such food is prepared on the spot, and the possible menu is very variable - from hot dogs and burgers to meat and vegetarian snacks in pita bread. Also, catering for a summer mass event is cooking meat on the grill and organizing a barbecue area.
Turnkey catering at a children's party may consist of making ice cream or milkshakes, as well as treating children to sweet drinks, fruits and confectionery. The staff, of course, supervise the distribution of treats to children - either giving a portion directly into the hands of each child, or watching the children take food from the table, helping them if necessary. For adults, a separate buffet with snacks and possibly alcohol may be provided at the same event.
Quality catering is not just cooking and serving food. Field personnel at a mass event always take on some of the organizational tasks: they follow the rules of the event, help visitors navigate the locations, distribute the prepared treats so that they are enough for everyone and for the entire duration of the event. Therefore, a professional team will greatly help you at any mass event.