IT workers are mostly bright and creative youth. Banal entertainment and outdated contests will not work here. Team building for an IT company should be non-standard, modern and active. If the first two conditions are dictated by the age of most employees, then activity is a requirement for maintaining health.
What is included in the team building services?
Young IT companies are now quite large-scale, therefore, it is not always easy to organize all employees and please everyone. Turning to specialists for conducting teambuilding for an IT company You are getting:
- Selection of the location of team building. We will suggest where, when and how to hold the event.
- Development and implementation of the concept. Events without an idea are no longer surprising to anyone. Complementing corporate rest with thematic tasks and decor from your favorite films, games, countries is a must for holding modern events.
- Preparation of different zones and points of activity. Selection of props and moderators. We will find entertainment for everyone - from the most active to complete introverts, from sports to e-sports.
- Selection of technical contractors. IT specialists are people who encounter modern technologies every day. Therefore, one cannot do without high-quality light and sound.
- Calmness and complete satisfaction from the result.
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What games and entertainment are suitable for IT employees?
One of the most common team building scenarios is based on the formation of teams, the members of which are connected with each other. Literally or figuratively, it's up to you to decide. This can be a relay race when one of the participants cannot start the task before the other has finished. It is important to choose such teambuilding tasks so that for each of the relay participants there is something to his taste. Moreover, in order to be the first to succeed, the participants will have to distribute tasks among the members on their own. This will help you find the strengths and weaknesses of each employee.
Have a cooking class just in your office. This one is not costly enough in terms of time and resources. team building option can be spent on a weekday to raise the general mood within the team. It can be cold snacks or sushi. Something that doesn't require much effort and doesn't leave a lot of trash behind.
If you know that your employees are real fans of what they do, organize an eSports competition. Who knows, maybe your team building will kick off a team that will someday win an international esports championship.
Can be carried out team building in the office or beyond, you can try different options for entertainment and look for your ideal elixir of maximum productivity and cohesion. And we are ready to help you and give you emotions!
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